Thursday, December 6, 2018

Bio Poem

First name Aaliyana.
3 words that describe me. nice, kind, pretty.
Who enjoys Ice-cream, popcorn, KFC.
Who is able to swim, at the splash centre, sing.
Who feels happy, nervous, scared.
Who wonders why does the weather change?
Who fears chickens, pitch black, bulls.
Who cares about your family, friends, teacher.
Who dreams of having another sister. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2018


In the hall the teachers planed to make play dough with he puna kotuitui and room 5. We had groups to make the play dough my group made a big red batch of play dough and a big blue and yellow and white batch of play dough. Then we got to play with it I made a snail this is what it looks like.