Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Swimming reach rescue

During swimming we have been practicing a reach rescuing with a buddy. I was with Liriyah first .Someone needed to get in the pool then the other person needed to stay out of the pool. When Liriyah signaled for help I had to get a pool noodle. When I put it in the pool I had to get it near her arms so she could reach it. She grabbed onto the pool noodle and I had to get both hands and pull her out. When she was near the edge  I had to grab her hands and put pressure on her hands so she could get out. Next, I had to get into the pool and it was Liriyah´s  turn to help me.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Cross Country

Yay! We got to Rutherford and we had to get into our house colours then we got into our age groups . Mrs Palmer called the ten year old's up because we were running first . We got into the positions we were starting in, then Miss Nation slammed the clapper shut and we were off. I was coming 5th place then heaps of people passed me because I got a big stitch and it wouldn't go away. Finally, I was at the end of my second lap. I came 12th place.  My mum came to sit with me . My aunty came too and she gave me a drink. We walked back to school and I got to eat my morning tea. I am proud of myself!